Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reflection #2

These past few weeks for my language arts class, we were assigned to blog about a topic we felt we knew a lot about and felt we had the right to write about. I chose to do the topic of middle school. And I chose that simply because I feel it has a lot of different subjects to talk about and I'm in it now so I know a lot of the details and activities and such.

I feel that this blogging experience was good for many students. For someone it could be a way of venting how they feel and getting some of their held in emotions out. For someone else it could just be another experience that they found they really loved doing and they're considering doing one on their own. Also it was a good assignment because you were able to pick what you wanted to write about and no one was telling you what to say or how to say it.

As for me, blogging was just another experience in life. It challenged my writing skills in a way of making me think on my own and coming up with my own ideas and my own things to put into my work. And this was something that everyone was one hundred percent independent so any work they did, they could take all credit for. It wasn't the teachers great ideas, or a friends great ideas. It was all on your own and gave people a chance to really speak up and show what they have to say and that their opinion matters too.

It also showed what interest you have and you could have made some new friends and met some new people with the same interests and you. Or maybe even same ideas and opinions as you. Like say you were really interested in a certain band and someone you don't know them or never really talked to them and the next thing you know, you get to talking about that band and BAM, you two are inseparable best friends. You never know where or how you meet someone you have a lot in common with and blogging is just another possible way to find those people. And in a way it can show more of you. Like people could now know what you like and how you feel.

You could also read about some things you never knew about but sound really interesting to you. And maybe that will help with you being more open to trying new things. And those things could end up being things that you want to do with the rest of your life.

All in all I say that blogging was a good experience. Sure it had some minuses like some things were difficult to do and sometimes you get stuck and don't know what to write about. But sooner or later it comes and you have your great ideas.

I hope my blogs helped you out in some way. Have a great day!

Your blogger,

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